kIkko ...::Ultimate-GaMeR
Numarul mesajelor : 1214 Data de inscriere : 26/05/2013
| Subiect: KF2.PRONION.RO | Hard + Short | Dum Sept 08, 2013 9:20 am | |
| RO: Nerespectarea regulilor de mai jos de catre orice user poate duce la banarea PERMANENTA sau la sactiuni similare.
1) Daca un coechipier arunca bani/arme pe jos destinate unui anumit player, NU aveti voie sa le luati (furati). 2) Ajutati-va reciproc si stati uniti. 3) Pastrati un limbaj decent pe server. 4) In cazul in care jucatori straini se alatura server-ului, folositi comenzile din "Speech Menu" (Yes, Thank you!, etc.) pentru a discuta cu ei in cazul in care nu cunoasteti limba lor natala sau limba engleza. 5) Respectati administratorii serverului (momentan, sunt doar eu). Nu ii luati "peste picior", nu ii amenintati si nu ii jigniti! 6) Reclama la alte servere (de orice tip) sau site-uri in afara de cele comunitare este strict interzisa! 7) Nu spamati chat-ul. In cazul in care detineti un microfon, nu il folositi decat daca vreti sa puneti la cale o strategie cu ceilalti playeri sau aveti intrebari/nelamuriri legate de joc. 9) Daca vreti sa reclamati un user, va puteti adresa unui administrator (in joc) sau folosind sectiunea speciala de pe forum! 10) MOMENTAN NU SE ACORDA ADMINE PE SERVER, deci va rog sa nu ma stresati cu acesti lucru. 11) La intrarea pe server, se presupune ca ati citit si luat la cunostinta acest regulament, orice abatere de la el putand duce la sanctiunea corespunzatoare. 12) Acest regulament poate fi updatat oricand! Este recomandat sa vizitati acest topic macar 1 data pe saptamana!EN: If you don't respect any of the following rules, you can be banned permanently from the server or receive similar punishments.
1) If one of your teammates drops some money or weapons for another player, you are NOT allowed to take (steal) those items. 2) Help your teammates and stay close one to each other. 3) Don't sware! (Keep a decent language.) 4) If you play with foreign players on the server and you don't know their language or english so good, please use the "Speech Menu" (Yes., Thank you!, etc.) to communicate with them. 5) Respect the server administrators (currently, I am the only server administrator). Don't sware, threat them or make fun of them. 6) Advertising other servers than those from our community during the game-play is fermly PROHIBITED! 7) Don't spam the chat. If you have a microphone, don't use it unless you want to put up a strategy with the help of other players or you have any questions about the game. 9) If you want to complain about a player who didn't respected the rules, please speak to a server administrator during the game-play or use the right section on our forum! 10) WE AREN'T CURRENTLY OFFERING ANY SERVER ADMINISTRATOR RANKS TO ANYONE. Please don't spam me with that. 11) When you enter the server, we suppose that you have read and agreed with our server rules, any disobey of this rules being a potential reason for us to punish you! 12) These rules can be modified at any time! It is recommended for you that you visit this topic regularly (at least once per week)! | |